Urgent! Postponed Green Camps!
The dates of the next Green camps will be postponed [...]
The latest green newsletter is here!
Another green newsletter is already available. Sign up to be [...]
International associations
In the SB Bridge Project we focus mainly on the [...]
Our green Newsletter
If you haven't subscribed to our newsletter yet, check our [...]
Green Camp in Denmark
Here you can find the updated agenda of the Green [...]
The 5R materials for Technolympics in Lithuania
We encourage you to look at the provided materials [...]
The clock is ticking! Sign UP for the Olympics!
Hurry up and sign up now! Read the details in [...]
Sign up for the next camp!
Recruitment started! The topic of the next green camp [...]
Recruitment for Techolympics in Lithuania!
You can already sign up for Techolympics in Lithuania [...]
Sign up for next camp!
Recruitment's started. The topic of the next green camp [...]
Renewable energy Green Camp, Germany
The first green camp in Schwerin is already behind us. [...]
South Baltic Bridge
SB BRIDGE Project is about bringing students and the green [...]